
Huawei launches Harmony operating system on smartphones in challenge to Google Android

2021-06-03 08:48:17      View:

Huawei on Wednesday launched its self-developed operating system across a slew of devices, including smartphones,Harmony operating system. The move comes as the Chinese tech giant looks to wean itself off its reliance on U.S. technology and could pit it against software from Apple and Google.

Huawei has been developing HarmonyOS since 2016 and bills it as an operating system that can work across many internet-connected devices from smartphones to wearables. The company claims it is easy for developers to create apps that can work across different products.

The focus on HarmonyOS working across devices is one way Huawei is trying to differentiate its operating system from Google's Android and Apple's iOS.

"HarmonyOS is designed to provide the glue between a growing array of connected devices that Huawei is targeting," Ben Wood, chief analyst at CCS Insight, said.

"Huawei will be hoping that it can follow Apple's lead, by having a single software platform that extends in all directions, providing a seamless experience to customers that buy into its ecosystem of products."